Apache log4j 存在 Apache Lookups 注入(CVE-2021-44228)
Lookups provide a way to add values to the Log4j configuration at arbitrary places. They are a particular type of Plugin that implements the StrLookup interface. Information on how to use Lookups in configuration files can be found in the Property Substitution section of the Configuration page.
Apache Lookups 提供了一种灵活的配置方式,可以在日志的任意位置插入配置值。该功能可以在配置文件指定 ${key: value}
执行内置 lookups 功能,详细配置参考 Configuration
CVE-2021-44228 漏洞点是 log4j 打印的日志参数可以注入 lookups ,POC 如下,从打印的参数注入 env 和 date 这两个 lookups ,打印的位置实际打印了环境变量和日期
package org.example;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class CVE202144228
public static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(CVE202144228.class);
public static void main( String[] args )
String env = "${env:OS}";
String date = "${date: MM-dd-yyyy}";
logger.error("OS env is {}", env);
logger.error("date is {}", date);
11:46:43.111 [main] ERROR org.example.CVE202144228 - OS env is Windows_NT
11:46:43.112 [main] ERROR org.example.CVE202144228 - date is 08-10-2024
逐步调试,打印的日志由 toSerializable 构造,返回的 buffer 就是要打印的日志
// \org\apache\logging\log4j\core\layout\PatternLayout.class
public StringBuilder toSerializable(final LogEvent event, final StringBuilderbuffer buffer) {
int len = this.formatters.length;
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
this.formatters[i].format(event, buffer);
if (this.replace != null) {
String str = buffer.toString();
str = this.replace.format(str);
return buffer;
以 logger.error("OS env is {}", env);
为例,一共调用了 11 个 formater。① - ⑥ 加上 5 个箭头的空格,一共 11 个 format。
上述 format 的调用栈如下
// \org\apache\logging\log4j\core\pattern\PatternFormatter.class
public void format(final LogEvent event, final StringBuilder buf) {
if (this.skipFormattingInfo) {
this.converter.format(event, buf);
} else {
this.formatWithInfo(event, buf);
// \org\apache\logging\log4j\core\pattern\MessagePatternConverter.class
public void format(final LogEvent event, final StringBuilder toAppendTo) {
Message msg = event.getMessage();
if (msg instanceof StringBuilderFormattable) {
boolean doRender = this.textRenderer != null;
StringBuilder workingBuilder = doRender ? new StringBuilder(80) : toAppendTo;
int offset = workingBuilder.length();
if (msg instanceof MultiFormatStringBuilderFormattable) {
((MultiFormatStringBuilderFormattable)msg).formatTo(this.formats, workingBuilder);
} else {
if (this.config != null && !this.noLookups) {
for(int i = offset; i < workingBuilder.length() - 1; ++i) {
if (workingBuilder.charAt(i) == '$' && workingBuilder.charAt(i + 1) == '{') {
String value = workingBuilder.substring(offset, workingBuilder.length());
workingBuilder.append(this.config.getStrSubstitutor().replace(event, value)); // <-- 进一步调用
if (doRender) {
this.textRenderer.render(workingBuilder, toAppendTo);
} else {
if (msg != null) {
String result;
if (msg instanceof MultiformatMessage) {
result = ((MultiformatMessage)msg).getFormattedMessage(this.formats);
} else {
result = msg.getFormattedMessage();
if (result != null) {
toAppendTo.append(this.config != null && result.contains("${") ? this.config.getStrSubstitutor().replace(event, result) : result);
} else {
根据 prefix 获取对应的 lookup